The Hidden Opportunities Report

Hidden Opportunities provides in-depth analysis of North American small and mid-cap companies that present a compelling sum-of-the-parts valuation with a potential catalyst. This unique approach is based on a set of predictive attributes evidenced by our internal research process to be precursors to a value-unlocking event. Such events include spin-offs, carve outs, assets sales and outright takeovers.
The service presents these situations to clients long before the likelihood of such events are reflected in the share price. The scope of our research process also includes ongoing or potential activist involvement, restructuring trends within a particular industry and the strategic rationale behind separating disparate business segments.
The service consists of the following:

Comprehensive Investment Recommendations

• In-depth company-specific investment ideas gererated through a unique analytical framework
• Analysis focusing on sum-of-the-parts valuations, industry trends, activist investors, managerial turnover, board composition and other predictive attributes for value-unlocking events

Update Reports
• Periodic updates on companies under coverage and their progress towards a value unlocking event
• Includes updated fair value estimates, analysis of recent financial results and other developments relevant to our investment thesis

Radar Screen

• Monthly publication providing ongoing analysis of 15-20 companies across all industries and market capitalizations with potential for a value-unlocking event
• Companies are tracked for a variety of reasons including industry-wide spin-off activity, investor pressure to consider strategic alternatives, or business segments lacking operational or supply chain synergies

For sample research reports, please visit  Please contact us at +1-212-233-0100 if you have questions regarding the service or would like to subscribe.